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Kuwait suspends all types of new visas

More than 400,000 expatriates with valid residence permits are stranded outside Kuwait and unable to return due to the flight ban as many of them are from the 32 countries from where travel to Kuwait has been banned by the Kuwaiti government, local media reported.

The number of expats with valid residency permits outside the country as of August 23 was 426,871, while expired residency holders could not return to Kuwait until new visas are issued for them.

The Ministry of Interior said it is preparing an amendment to the current residency law and will seek approval from the authorities concerned, revealed assistant undersecretary at the ministry of interior Major General Anwar Al Barjas.

He also disclosed that all types of new visas for foreigners have been suspended until further notice and only after clearance from the ministry of health will the issuance restart.


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