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GCC CountriesKuwait

Kuwait Stops Issuance of All Visas Amid Coronavirus

Head of the Government Communication Center, the official spokesman, Tariq Al-Muzaram, announced that the Cabinet Ministers has instructed the Ministry of Interior to coordinate with the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Health to stop issuing all visas. Only those which are on diplomatic missions will be issued after the approval by the Ministry of Health.

In a press conference held at Seef Palace after the cabinet meeting on March 9, it was decided that all arrivals – both Kuwaitis and expats have to undergo compulsory quarantine as a precaution either at home or in centers, hospitals which is set along with the rules of quarantine and the period determined by the Ministry of Health.

As a precautionary measure, all cinemas and theaters, as well as public and private wedding halls and hotel halls have to be closed for a temporary period. Kuwait Municipality in coordination with the Ministry of Health will organize funeral ceremonies in cemeteries in line with preventive measures to avoid infection and the spread of the epidemic.



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