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Kuwait: Sponsors of newborn babies who don’t obtain IDs face fines

The Kuwaiti Public Authority for Civil Information (PACI) has announced that sponsors of newborn babies – who got residency permits after the resumption of work in government agencies but did not obtain the civil IDs within the specified period – will be fined KD 20.

According to Al Qabas daily, the PACI took the decision after noticing that many sponsors of newborn babies did not obtain civil IDs although they already got the residency permits or passports thereby, exposing themselves to the risk of being fined. The paper said the fine must be paid before the issuance of the card for the newborn.

According to sources, the PACI calculates the fine after 60 days from the date of birth, while it allows the processing of related transactions through the express envelope in the automated machines or online.

The source added that those who had a newborn during the coronavirus crisis are exempted from the fine throughout the lockdown period, but they should have started the procedures upon resumption of work in government institutions.


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