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Kuwait spent 64 million dinars on e-learning

The State Audit Bureau recorded that the Ministry of Education used over 64 million Kuwaiti to introduce e-learning as part of the education system.

Although the Ministry spent a large portion of its budget on e-learning, only 5 per cent of the 426,000 students and teachers within the public education system used the e-portal.

Within the Bureau’s report, it criticized the ministry’s poor performance in the 2019-2020 school year in terms of implementing development projects although it had a budget of over 11 million Kuwaiti dinars.

In addition, the report mentioned that the ministry did not use the fingerprint system for teacher’s attendance as required by the Civil Service Bureau. Amongst other violations were, unlawful disbursement of financial dues to employees, poor management and weakness of provisions of internal control.

In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the Ministry of Education’s revenue increased by 6.2 per cent. This increase was marginal compared to two previous fiscal years, where the revenue of the ministry was at 21.5 per cent (2018-2019) and 44.2 per cent (2018-2017).


Gulf News

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