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Kuwait: Smuggling Attempt Foiled; 131kgs of Drugs Seized

Coast Guard patrols in Kuwait foiled an attempt to smuggle 131kg of hashish into the Kingdom via the sea.

The operation was launched after the Maritime Operations Centre got suspicions about a boat sailing with four people on board.

A chase was launched by the patrols and the boat, in a bid to escape, tried to reach shallow waters. However, the patrol servicemen managed to stop it, the police said.

The four men on the boat were arrested. They allegedly admitted that they had brought narcotics to be delivered to a Kuwaiti in cooperation with another citizen outside the country.

Investigation in cooperation with the Anti-narcotics Directorate revealed that the four suspects dumped the narcotics in the sea. However, the Coast Guard managed, through the radar system, to find the narcotics. The seized narcotics were 131 kilogrammes of hashish, the police said.

Legal proceedings were taken and the case was referred to the Public Prosecution.


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