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Kuwait Set to Approve Dexamethasone to Treat COVID-19

Kuwait’s Health Ministry intends to approve the use of dexamethasone in its protocol treating the new coronavirus, as the country is battling to contain the potentially fatal ailment, Kuwaiti media reported.

The anti-inflammation medication will be used in Kuwait after related recommendations from the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Some other countries have already approved the use of the steroid drug in COVID-19 treatment protocols, Al-Rai newspapers quoted well-informed sources as saying.

“This medication has been available in Kuwait for years and is used to treat various diseases such as asthma, respiratory disorders and rheumatism,” sources at the ministry told Al Qabas newspaper.

“The ministry will not hesitate to approve any medications with positive results for patients provided they are approved by WHO,” they added.

Trial results showed that dexamethasone reduced death rates by about a third among the most seriously ill COVID-19 hospitalised patients, British media reported this week.


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