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Kuwait revokes over 950 residency permits of expats stuck abroad

Residency permits of 953 migrant workers, stuck abroad due to travel restrictions, have been revoked in Kuwait in the past 10 days for failure to apply for renewal, according to official figures.

Sponsors or employers of the 953 workers failed to apply for renewing their work permits, the Public Authority of Manpower has said.

The number of expatriates’ residency permits cancelled since the agency launched its electronic system Ashal (Easier) to process transactions on January 12 have totalled 2,716, its figures have shown.

They also include 197 due to death and 1,584 others for their holders’ wish to leave the country, Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas reported.

About 30,000 more foreign workers have their work permits renewed, it added.


Gulf News

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