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Kuwait resumes sports activities after 15 months

Kuwait Olympic Committee yesterday announced the resumption of all sports activities for all ages in local clubs after a halt of more than 15 months due to the coronavirus pandemic, local media reported.

However, sports clubs and associations must comply with Ministry of Health’s measures to ensure safety of players, the committee said in a statement.

The committee urged the clubs and association to ensure well-being of players of all ages in order to make sure of smooth preparations for the next season.

The move comes as the country is intensifying its vaccination campaign. So far, Kuwait has administered 2,790,113 vaccine doses at rate of about 38,000 each day. That is about 65.3 doses per hundred people. At this rate, Kuwait will have 70 per cent of people vaccinated (2 doses) in 84 days (or by Sep 2, 2021).


Gulf News

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