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Kuwait records 606 further cases, 5 deaths

Kuwait has confirmed 606 new cases of the novel coronavirus over the past 24 hours, an increase of 142 cases against the day before, bringing the country’s total infections to 64,379, the Kuwaiti news agency KUNA reported Monday.

The latest cases comprise 358 Kuwaitis and 248 foreign residents, the Health Ministry’s spokesman Dr Abdullah Al Sanad said.

All the new cases were in touch with previously infected people or are being investigated for sources of infection and identifying those who were in contact, he added.

Five new deaths from COVID-19 were announced, taking Kuwait’s total such fatalities to 438.

There are 121 patients receiving intensive care treatment, the official added in a media update.

Kuwait’s total virus tests have reached 489,566 so far after 3,828 tests have been done over the past 24 hours, Dr Al Sanad said.

The Health Ministry also reported that 684 more patients have recovered from COVID-19 over the past 24 hours, raising to 55,057 the overall number of recoveries from the disease in Kuwait.

Kuwait has recently relaxed virus-induced restrictions as part of a phased plan to return to normal life.

Beginning from Tuesday, a nighttime curfew in the country will be cut to six hours a day while hotels and resorts will be reopened. Fifty percent of government and private sector employees will return to work.


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