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Money & BusinessKuwait

Kuwait: PAM mulls 3-month iqama for expats to find new jobs

The Public Authority of Manpower is mulling a plan to grant temporary three-month residency permits to workers of insolvent companies so they can find new sponsors. PAM is preparing a new platform (application) to register workers employed at companies facing liquidation or closure due to the repercussions of the coronavirus pandemic or other financial reasons, which means their employees will have difficulty transferring their residencies.

Official sources at PAM said the authority has completed coordination with the interior ministry on launching the new application to register employees of troubled companies that are unable to find other jobs for their workers or send them back home due to bankruptcy.

Sources said those who meet the conditions will be given a temporary three-month residency permit to find a new sponsor, adding the new app will reduce the number of workers brought in from abroad, particularly on government contracts that require thousands of workers.


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