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Kuwait: Over 44,000 people register to take vaccine

The head of the COVID-19 vaccine committee at Jaber Hospital, Dr. Mundhi Al Hasawi, revealed that more than 44,000 people have registered to take the COVID-19 vaccine since the government launched the website nine days ago.

“Early registration does not necessarily lead to early vaccination or priority; it only provides the Ministry of Health with the data that could help identify the prioritised segments of the public and the required quantity and distribution of the vaccine,” Abdullah Al Sanad, the spokesperson of the Ministry of Health said in a statement to KUNA.

Earlier this week, the Ministry of Health approved the emergency use of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.

The Pfizer vaccine is expected to arrive in Kuwait by the end of December.

A member of the COVID-19 vaccination committee, Dr Khaled Al Saeed, told Al Jarida that around 10,000 people will be vaccinated per day, giving a priority to frontline workers, the elderly and those who suffer from chronic illnesses.

Al Hasawi pointed out that the vaccine is optional, not everybody is required to take it.


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