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Kuwait: Over 35,000 vaccinated in one month

Around 35,000 people have received the jab since Kuwait launched its COVID-19 vaccination campaign a month ago.

Currently, out of the four million citizens and residents that make up Kuwait’s population, only 0.875 per cent are vaccinated.

Compared to its neighbouring GCC countries, Kuwait is the slowest country in terms of vaccination.

Those that are being given priority are the elderly, people with chronic illnesses and frontline and health workers. As of Monday, around 70 per cent of health workers have received the vaccine.

Kuwait so far is only administrating the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and has received three batches over the past month. The first batch, which arrived on December 23, contained 150,000 doses, enough to vaccinate 75,000 people. The second and third doses arrived earlier this month, but the quantity of the shipment has not been disclosed.

While the vaccine is being given to certain segments of society, over 250,000 citizens and residents have pre-registered to take the jab.


Gulf News

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