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Money & BusinessKuwait

Kuwait: Over 300,000 residency permits renewed since pandemic

Kuwait has renewed more than 300,000 residency permits of expats stuck outside of Kuwait since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, local media reported.

The renewal process was done online, giving those outside Kuwait the ability to renew their permits without being inside in the country. Those that have renewed their visas have been allowed to re-enter Kuwait even though they spent more than six months outside the country.

The government has halted the rule that if residency holders spend more than six months outside of Kuwait then their visa is annulled, until further notice.

On the other hand, PAM cancelled 33,414 work permits, belonging to those outside the country as they did not renew their residencies. In addition, the Director of Public Relations Department, Aseel Al Mazyed, revealed that they also cancelled 91,854 permits, 44,264 drivers licenses and 30,700 files all of which expired over a year.


Gulf News

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