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Kuwait: New rules set for accepting donations by governorates

A decision was issued to set controls by which Kuwait’s governorates can accept gifts and donations from inside or outside the country.

The new controls allow governorates to accept gifts and donations from individuals, as well as governmental and nongovernmental organizations including those in other countries, in order to set up or improve projects or enhance services presented within the governorate.

The gifts or donations can be in cash or other means, according to the decision, and must meet the following conditions to be accepted: It must not leave harmful effects on Kuwait’s unity, sovereignty and social stability; must have a legitimate goal that does not violate public order or Islamic values; must not be offered in exchange of any privileges or priorities presented to the donor. Furthermore, the decision prohibits governorates from asking for gifts or donations. It gives governors the authority to give initial approval on a donation request or reject it before submitting it to the Cabinet for final say.


Kuwait Times
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