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Kuwait: Nearly 50 juveniles caught driving without licence

A total of 48 juveniles have been caught driving without a licence in Kuwait and were referred to the Juvenile Prosecution, Al Anba daily reported.

Meanwhile, 87 others were put behind bars for committing serious traffic offences. The move comes as part of the General Traffic Department’s (GTD) campaigns launched to pursue violators of traffic laws, particularly speeding motorists. The campaigns resulted in the issuance of 29,047 citations, and impounding of 26 vehicles.

The daily said that as part of the campaign, 30 motorcycles were seized, 13 persons who had been sentenced in absentia were arrested and seven expatriates were also taken into custody for driving without a licence and referred to administrative deportation.

According to Al Anba, a security source said the country’s traffic department is fully prepared to receive any reports related to recklessness on the roads which normally coincides with the rainy season, adding that the traffic police have been instructed to have zero tolerance against any reckless motorist. They have also been ordered to impound the violating vehicles.

Those arrested for reckless driving will be referred to the judiciary. The source stated citizens and residents can photograph or make a video clip of these negligent motorists send them to the General Traffic Department, specifically to the number designated for this purpose, pointing out that all these reports are dealt with in cooperation with other security agencies, especially the public security sector.


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