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Kuwait: Nearly 20,000 work permits cancelled in 2 months

Official figures released by the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) revealed that work permits of 19,995 expats were cancelled between January 12 and March 7, local media reported.

Of those, the majority of the work permits cancelled, 12,391, belonged to expats whose residencies expired as they are stuck outside of the country due to travel restriction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Around 6,245 work permits were cancelled by expats that have decided to leave Kuwait indefinitely and return to their home countries.

A small number of work permits were cancelled as some expats transferred their visas to a dependent visa or in some unfortunate cases the permit holder passed away.

Within the two-month period, around 83 expats switched over their work permits from the government sector to the private sector.


Gulf News

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