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Kuwait MP Demands Replacing Expats in Parliament Jobs

A Kuwaiti lawmaker has proposed replacing expatriates in jobs at the parliament amid a stepped-up campaign in the country to curb the numbers of foreigners in the country.

Foreigners account for nearly 3.4 million of Kuwait’s 4.8 million population.

MP Osama Al Chahin said he has tabled his proposal to the National Assembly or the parliament to “Kuwaitise” all permanent and temporary advisory jobs in the legislature.

“My proposal is based on the vital importance of giving all public jobs to Kuwaitis,” he said, according to Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai.

The parliamentarian called for replacing all foreigners working in various committees and offices of the assembly within a timeframe to be set and made public by the legislature. The number of foreign employees at the Kuwaiti parliament is not clear.

In recent weeks, several Kuwaiti public figures have demanded curtailing numbers of expatriates in the country, accusing them of straining the country’s health facilities and increasing the COVID-19 threat.

Earlier this month, Kuwait said it would no longer employ expatriates in its oil sector.

Last month, a number of Kuwaiti lawmakers presented a draft bill suggesting a quota system for employing foreigners as one way to redress the demographic imbalance in the country.


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