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Kuwait: More than 1,000 people vaccinated on 1st day

As Kuwait began administering the first round of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Thursday, more than 1,000 people were given the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Amongst those vaccinated, were Kuwait’s Prime Minister, Sabah Al Kheled Al Sabah, the Minister of Health, Dr Basil Al Sabh, and several MPs above the age of 65.

The vaccination process began after Kuwait received its first shipment of the Pfizer vaccine on Wednesday, which included 150,000 doses.

Those that are being given priority in the first batch of the vaccine are: frontline workers, medical professionals and those above the age of 65.

On Wednesday there were around 73,000 people pre-registered to take the vaccine, after the first day of the vaccination campaign the number jumped to over 100,000.

The Ministry of Health created a website that allows those wanting to take the vaccine to pre-register so that the government can indicate who should be given priority, a person’s medical history and have an estimate of how many doses they should order.

It is likely that the second batch of the Pfizer vaccine will contain 450,000 doses and is expected to arrive in Kuwait in the first quarter of 2021, an informed source told Al Anba.


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