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GCC CountriesKuwait

Kuwait Adds More Countries to Quarantine List

The Ministry of Health updated the lists of countries that have to be quarantined as a precautionary measure to those coming from them to Kuwait due to the increase in infection of coronavirus (COVID19).

The circular issued by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health included more countries in the lists that will be subject to hospital or home quarantine. While the countries from which the arrivals will be subjected to the hospital quarantine included China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Italy, Iran and Iraq, the list of countries from which the arrivals will be subjected to house quarantine included countries like Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Germany, France, Spain, Bangladesh, India, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, the United States of America, the Netherlands, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, and Azerbaijan.

The circular indicated that the updation of the lists continues in accordance with the latest information on global status and international health regulations.


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