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Kuwait Legalises Part-Time, Remote Work in Private Sector

First Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Talal Al-Khaled Al-Sabah gave orders to allow private sector employees to seek part-time work with employers other than their original sponsors and to work remotely. The new decisions, which go into effect by January 2024, effectively legalize part-time work and #working from home for all private sector workers.

A worker must obtain permission from their employer to seek a part-time job in another company, says the new directive, which adds that part-time work must be for a maximum of four hours a day. The contracting sector is not included in the new decision, according to a statement by the Public Authority for #Manpower Thursday.

Furthermore, the Interior Minister gave orders to the Public Authority for Manpower to allow remote work in the private sector and prepare regulations to organize the process. The new decision enables workers to do their work outside of the office for jobs that do not require their presence in the office. The new decisions come as part of efforts to address the country’s demographic imbalance problem by allowing companies to hire workers from inside Kuwait instead of recruiting labour from abroad, according to the statement.


Kuwait Times

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