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Kuwait: JN.1 Detected but “No Cause for Alarm”

Cases of the JN.1 COVID-19 variant have been detected in Kuwait, but the discovery is “predictable and not worrisome”, the official spokesperson of the Ministry of Health Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad said on Thursday. Dr Sanad, also director of the health communication centre, addressed on Thursday new messages to the public; starting with the announcement regarding discoveries of JN.1 cases as a result of tests by genetic examination teams tasked with following up on the outbreak of COVID variants and other viruses in the country.

However, Dr Sanad assured the public that the detection of such variants is predictable and not worrisome. “And there are no extraordinary preventive measures at present,” Dr Sanad said, also noting that this period of the year regularly brings with it seasonal viruses that cause breathing illnesses. He advised people who feel infected to keep a distance from others and seek medical consultation, particularly when the symptoms persist or increase in intensity.

Dr Sanad added the ministry provides vaccinations for influenza and pneumonia or the latest type of the jab at 42 centres throughout Kuwait. He advised people, particularly those aged 60 and above, and those suffering from chronic diseases to be immunized. He also recommended that personnel at health facilities use masks during worktime.


Kuwait Times

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