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Kuwait: Jahra’s 12 Skin Clinics Grapple With 80,000 Annual Patient Visits

Head of the Dermatology Department at Jahra Hospital Dr. Muhammad Al-Otaibi announced that the department receives about 80,000 patients annually through 12 specialized clinics at the Jahra Hospital. They include three clinics for psoriasis patients, two hair and alopecia clinics, a contact dermatitis clinic, a hyperhidrosis clinic, two surgical clinics for diagnostic skin biopsies and the removal of some benign skin tumors, and three clinics in the laser treatment unit. Dr. Al-Otaibi explained in a special press statement issued yesterday that the laser treatment unit, which includes three clinics, contains many modern devices, such as skin pigmentation removal laser, vascular laser, and excimer laser.

The department also performs many different therapeutic procedures, including cold cauterization, hot cauterization, skin scraping, and therapeutic skin injections. He said the annual report for the year 2023 of the hospital’s dermatology department confirmed that the department is a training center recognized by the Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialties for doctors of the Kuwait Board of Dermatology and doctors of the Kuwait Board of Family Medicine. It also receives many visiting consultant doctors and organizes many scientific conferences and awareness activities such as World Psoriasis Day, World Vitiligo Day, Eczema Day and other activities. Dr. Al-Otaibi affirmed that the department serves all citizens and residents of the Jahra Governorate, regardless of gender or age, adding that it provides its services to children and adults, and receives new patients from the dermatology clinic at the Jahra Health Center through referral and/or a prior electronic appointment from the clinic to which the patient belongs. Regarding the repeated cases, he said they are received through a prior appointment from the clinic where the patient is followed up according to the case, adding that emergency cases are examined on the same day of the referral.


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