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Kuwait: Interior Ministry Launches “Rased” App for Traffic Violations

Kuwait’s Ministry of Interior said Sunday it is embarking on the first stage of launching the “Rased” application for booking violators of traffic rules online on September 1. The move, a new step on the way of digitalization and transparency, is taken at the behest of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Sheikh Talal Khaled Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, according to a press release from the Ministry’s General Directorate of Security Relations and Media.

If a motorist is booked for breaching the traffic rules, they will receive a notification immediately via the unified government app for electronic services “Sahel,” the statement said. The Ministry called on motorists, whether citizens or expatriates, to abide by the traffic rules for their safety and visit its website or Sahel app regularly to verify if there are any registered violations.


Arab Times Online
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