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Kuwait initiates mass vaccination drive for workers

Kuwait launched a mass vaccination campaign to vaccinate employees working in commercial businesses like supermarkets and stores, as well as those working the mosques, local media reported.

The Ministry of Health set up mobile vaccination units throughout Kuwait to vaccinate workers in different sectors.

The move comes as Kuwait is ramping up vaccination efforts to reach its goal of vaccinating two million people by September.

A few days ago, the spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Abdullah Al Sanad, announced that all residents and citizens above the age of 65 that registered for the vaccine have been vaccinated.

So far, Kuwait has been administrating both the Pfizer-BioNtech and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine. Between the two, as of two weeks, Al Sanad reported that 604,861 doses have been administered.

In addition, the rise in vaccination comes as Kuwait opened seven new vaccination centres across the country, bringing the total number of sites to 22.


Times of Kuwait

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