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Kuwait imposes 12-hour curfew today

Kuwait will start imposing a 12-hour curfew Saturday as the country was preparing to gradually return to normal life, Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Anas Al-Saleh said.

“We are moving to a partial curfew between 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.”, said curb spread of coronavirus during an online news conference, according to Kuwait News Agency.

The Kuwait Government held an extraordinary meeting yesterday and decided to extend holiday of public sector until further notice, but imposed a lockdown on new areas because they witnessed a surge in coronavirus cases.

He said the government’s plan took into account negative experiences of many countries, as well as recommendations by the World Health Organization and the US communicable diseases center.

The government would impose a lockdown on some areas of Hawallay, Nuqra, Maidan Hawally, Khaitan and Farwaniya because of the high number of coronavirus cases.


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