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Kuwait: House arrest e-bracelet not applicable for expats convicted of petty crimes

Kuwait this week announced that people sentenced to up to three years can be released from prison and stay at home during the period of their imprisonment while wearing electronic tracking bracelets.

This mechanism applies only to the Kuwaitis and the stateless people [Bidoon] and not expatriates.

“This mechanism applies only to the Kuwaitis and the stateless people [Bidoon] and not the expatriates,” head of the Supreme Committee for the Royal Committee Mohammed Al Duaj said.

“The inmate covered by this measure must have a permanent residence. The convict will be obliged to stay in his house to complete the period of his jailing, which means he will not go out unless for extreme necessity and with prior permission,” he told Al Rai. Violators of the rules will be returned to prison.

He explained that the new measure covers convicts who get jail terms starting from one day to maximum three years for traffic and some criminal offences.


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