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Kuwait: Health ministry looks into combining Covid vaccines

Due to vaccine shipment delays and vaccine shortages, Kuwait’s health ministry is faced with limited options to continue the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 at a rapid pace, Al Qabas daily reported.

According to the report, the ministry is developing a protocol to deal with vaccine shipment delays. There arises a possibility of combining two different vaccines, as well as extending vaccination durations between two doses by giving a booster dose after a specific time period.

Government sources confirmed to Al-Qabas daily that a study will be concluded soon on the possibility of giving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine to those who first received the Oxford vaccine, in case the Oxford vaccine shipments are delayed for a longer period than expected.

The sources said that the option of combining vaccines will be officially approved within days, explaining that among the most suitable vaccine selections to be administered in combination with the Oxford vaccine are Pfizer and Moderna.


Times of Kuwait

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