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Kuwait Has Deported Over 100 Expats Every Day of 2023 So Far: Report

Kuwait has deported over 25,000 expats between January and August 19, 2023, averaging 108 individuals a day.

This massive deportation effort primarily targets those found guilty of violating residence and labour laws, in line with directives from the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Sheikh Talal Al Khaled.

The campaign seeks to safeguard the nation from law violators, especially those involved in illicit activities.

Kuwait’s crackdown on illegal residents

A senior security source highlighted the country’s dedication to this initiative, revealing plans for an expansive campaign targeting an estimated 100,000 individuals residing in Kuwait in violation of national laws.

The source added that by the close of 2023, the number of deportees could exceed 35,000.

This crackdown follows Sheikh Talal Al Khaled’s instructions to bolster security efforts, rebalance the demographic composition, and eradicate irregular employment.

Moreover, companies or sponsors found providing refuge for these law violators will face severe penalties.


Arabian Business
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