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Kuwait grants 1-year visa extension for expats above 60

Kuwait’s Public Authority for Manpower has begun enforcing a one year only work permit for those that are above the age of 60 and do not hold a university degree, Al Qabas reported.

The employment department of the Public Authority of Manpower has been implementing this policy verbally and informed those that have renewed their visa that they will not be able to renew their work permit in a year’s time unless the policy is changed, according to a source that spoke to Al Qabas.

The source went on to say that the move is meant to address the demographic imbalance, adjust the managerial and supervisor positions in the private sector and monitor the number of ‘marginal workers’ in Kuwait.

The labour statistics have found that there are 83,562 expats over the age of 60 residing in Kuwait. Out of which, 15,847 are illiterate, 24,000 can read and write, 10,000 hold a primary degree, 16,000 hold an intermediate diploma and 16,000 hold a high school diploma.


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