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Kuwait govt to submit new residency law to Assembly after election

A new residency law will be submitted by the government to the National Assembly after the elections to address the demographic structure, reduce expatriate numbers, localize jobs, increase Kuwaitization in the private sector and reform the economy. “The laws that were submitted by the government to the previous National Assembly are going to be submitted again to the new Assembly with a few changes that were requested by previous members of the parliament and some of the candidates running in the elections,” sources told Kuwait Times.

The proposed new law bans sponsors from bringing in expatriate workers without permission from the Public Authority of Manpower. Moreover, the minister should issue a decision on the procedures, documents and fees required from the sponsor. Anyone who illegally employs workers or runaways will be subject to heavy fines ranging from KD 5,000 to a maximum of KD 50,000, in addition to paying all costs related to deporting the workers. In case of repeated offences, the violations will be referred to the public prosecution.

The proposed law also prohibits sponsors contracted for government projects from submitting to competent authorities a request to recruit workers from outside the country, or recruit more workers than the numbers required, which will help stop the trade in iqamas. “In order to reduce expatriate workers who are not needed, all sponsors must pay a deposit of KD 500 for every worker they sponsor to ensure they are employed and salaries are paid until the end of their service, as well as following procedures regarding health insurance and the costs of sending the workers back to their countries,” the sources said.

The sources said the proposed law stipulates that in case of nonpayment of workers, the employer will be punished with a fine equivalent to twice the total dues of the workers that they failed to pay, adding a new article will include rules, procedures and conditions for granting permission to leave the country.


Kuwait Times
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