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Kuwait: Family visit visa for 3 months nonrenewable

Kuwait announces that the family visit visa’s maximum term is only three months and is nonrenewable. Extending the visit to one year is only available to companies that bring workers to Kuwait on commercial visit visas, and then have to extend the term and transfer the residency later.

The bill for amending the law of expatriates’ residency is aimed at confronting residency traffickers. The bill aims at toughening the penalties against residency traffickers by a jail term of maximum five years and a fine of a maximum KD10,000.

Domestic workers are also not allowed to stay outside Kuwait for more than four months unless they obtain a permit from the Ministry of Interior before the end of the four-month period.

Expatriates’ residencies can be renewed at the end of the five-year term, adding that the ten-year residency for the children of Kuwaiti women and the 15-year residency for the owners of real estate in Kuwait and the foreign investors can also be renewed.


Arab Times

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