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Kuwait experiences egg shortage

The egg shortage crisis in Kuwait continues, two weeks after thousands of chickens were destroyed at Kuwaiti farms due to bird flu.

This led to a reduction in egg production that reached around 700,000 eggs daily, while the daily consumption locally is nearly 2 million eggs, with a production rate of over one billion eggs annually.

Local small eggs are sold for KD 0.900 per tray, while Jordanian eggs are sold for KD 1.200 per tray. Demand is on the rise, while supply covers around only 50 to 60% of demand.

The commerce ministry allows imports from Turkey, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and UAE, and subsidies are offered to importers of KD 1 per box. There is a ban on export of eggs to safeguard local production and prevent price rises, but the market has still not recovered.


Kuwait Times

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