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Kuwait: Expatriates allowed to stay abroad for over 6 months

Expats with student visas and those on dependency visas are now allowed to stay abroad for over six months as it applies to those with work permit. The only exception is for domestic workers. If they stay abroad for more than six months, their residency permit will be cancelled unless their sponsors sign an agreement.

A government decision allowing expatriates with iqama to remain outside the country for more than six months is still in force. Until now, the decree has not been cancelled,” the sources said. However, the sources said only domestic workers are not permitted to remain outside Kuwait for more than six months unless their sponsor applies for an exception on their behalf.

Expatriates are also allowed to renew their residency permits while they are outside Kuwait. “The decree allowing the expatriates to renew their iqamas online while abroad is still in effect,” the sources added.

This decision to continue with the exemption will be valid until further announcement.

Regarding the opening of visit visas, the Ministry of Interior has decided to extend its decision to halt the issuance of family visit visas until the end of this current year.


Kuwait Times

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