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Kuwait: Expat exodus leads to severe manpower crunch

A severe shortage of workers in Kuwait is affecting companies and the job market, especially in the services sector. Because of the high demand for manpower, many small and large companies are now paying higher salaries to workers compared to pre-pandemic times.

The total number of workers in the labor market was 1,536,033 in the private sector and 411,464 in the public sector until the end of March. A labor market report found nearly 200,000 expatriates left Kuwait in one year since March 2020. Meanwhile, more than 67,800 expats left Kuwait in the first quarter of 2021.

Besides domestic helpers, demand for workers continues to grow in the hospitality, health and retail sectors. Even though last week, Kuwait reopened entry visas (commercial visit visas and work permits) for foreigners to work in activities related to food security in the country, but it is currently prioritizing healthcare workers first. Yet, some private hospitals and clinics are also complaining of a shortage of staff.

But not all sectors are in demand, as many companies affected by the coronavirus pandemic are laying off workers.


Kuwait Times

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