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Kuwait: Expat accidentally throws 8,000 dinars in trash bin

An Egyptian expatriate worker accidentally threw 8,000 Kuwaiti dinars (Dh96,000) in a trash bin in Al Jabriya area in Kuwait, local media reported.

When he realised his blunder, he went to the garbage site looking for the cash but did not find it as the bin had already been emptied into a municipal truck, which removed all trash bins at the site.

He remembered that he threw the trash bag containing the cash along with other waste bags in the garbage dump. The worker then approached a police station where he filed a report telling policemen his story and showed them the copy of a cheque of 8,000 dinars that he had earlier cashed from a bank.

The police launched an investigation into the incident to ensure he was telling the truth, to help him find the sum although there was little chance of that happening.


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