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Kuwait Enters Phase 2 of Reopening of Economy

Kuwait has opened shopping malls, allowed 30 per cent of private and public sector employees to return to work, and has put in place a new partial curfew from 8 pm to 5 am as part of Phase 2 of its efforts to reopen the economy.

Although there is no unified protocol, most shopping malls have imposed mandatory rules requiring visitors to wear masks at all times, and have limited the number of customers per store while implementing the two-metre distance rule throughout their premises.

As for offices, both the private and public sector can now allow for the return of 30 per cent of their workforce. Many businesses have implemented a shift-like schedule, where employees rotate throughout the week and are in the office two to three days depending on their responsibilities.

Most shopping malls have imposed mandatory rules requiring visitors to wear masks at all times.

While commercial businesses and shops are opening throughout the country, Al Mezrem stated that Mahboula, Jleeb Al Shuyoukh and Farwaniya will remain under full lockdown. All three areas have been under a total lockdown since April 6.

The Kuwaiti government introduced a five-stage plan, back on May 26, as a way to ease the country back to normal life.


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