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Kuwait: E-Sick Leave Guidelines Revised; Three Days per Month Now Sanctioned

The Civil Service Commission (CSC) yesterday officially approved the issuance of electronic sick leave. The decision was issued by the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs, and Acting Chairman of the Civil Service Council, Issa Al-Kandari.

The decision stipulates that “Sick leaves of no more than seven days at a time and no more than sixty uninterrupted days per year granted by government primary health care centres to which the employee belongs according to what is stated in their civil card or the government centre assigned to a specific employer or granted through electronic means approved by the Ministry of Health without the employee visiting the aforementioned health centres, shall be issued within the following:

  1. Sick leave with full pay for the first fifteen days
  2. Sick leave with half salary for the next fifteen days
  3. Sick leave with a quarter of salary for the next fifteen days.
  4. Sick leave without pay for the last fifteen days.

The decision also stipulates that the duration of sick leave granted without the employee visiting health centres and through electronic means approved by the Ministry of Health shall not exceed three days per month.

Granting this leave by this means shall not result in an increase or modification in the maximum duration of the leave or type of determined salary for each period in accordance with what is stated in this clause.

By allowing electronic communication, it eliminates the need for physical paperwork and enables faster access to accurate medical reports. This digital transformation will enhance efficiency and facilitate better coordination between the Ministry of Health, the Civil Service Commission, and other government agencies involved in healthcare administration.


Arab Times Online

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