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Kuwait dissolves parliament and calls for early general elections

Kuwait decided on Wednesday to dissolve the parliament and called for general elections as per legal and constitutional guidelines, Kuwait’s Crown Prince Sheikh Meshal al-Ahmad al-Sabah announced in a televised speech.

The decision, based on Article 107 of the constitution, aims to correct the political path in the country.

“We have decided to dissolve the National Assembly and call for general elections… The people themselves will have the final word in rectifying the political scene by selecting those who properly represent them,” Sheikh Meshal said in a speech on behalf of Kuwait’s Emir Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah.

Sheikh Meshal attributed the current situation of the political scene – which he described as one marred by disagreements and guided by personal interests – to the fractured relation between the legislative and executive authorities as well as to the former’s interference in the latter’s work.

Sheikh Meshal also reaffirmed that the constitution will be fully adhered to and will not be amended, obstructed or suspended and that no one will interfere in the elections or the next National Assembly’s work.



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