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Kuwait Denies Sahel App Hack, Warns Expats And Citizens Of Online Scams

Kuwait has denied a Government app has been hacked and urged people in the country to continue using the Sahel application and official government websites.

The Kuwaiti Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) has stated that news of a hacking breach on their online databases affecting both citizens and residents are not true.

The MOCI underlined importance of using official government websites and the official mobile application, Sahel.

The incident that had happened is known as “phishing,” where fraudulent websites mimic official government websites, tricking users into revealing their private information, and paying through unofficial payment links, explained the MOCI.

The MOCI emphasised in multiple awareness campaigns against phishing, and the importance of being cautious when providing private and sensitive information online.

The Ministry reiterated that only official government websites and Sahel should be trusted.

Furthermore, the MOCI commended the Ministry of Interior and the Communication and Information Technology Regulatory Authority (CITRA) on their cooperative efforts in reporting and blocking fraudulent websites to protect users in Kuwait from phishing schemes


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