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Kuwait delays phase five of reopening as COVID-19 cases increase

Kuwait has delayed phase five of its reopening plans “until further notice,” the Center for Government Communication (GCG) announced on Twitter amid a continuous increase in coronavirus cases.

If implemented, this last phase would have allowed all activities, including family gatherings and weddings, to return to normal. Gyms and cinemas would also be allowed to reopen under this last phase of the government’s plan.

As the health ministry continues to record an increase in cases, the final reopening phase has been put on hold as of Monday. A total of 708 new infections were confirmed over the past 24 hours, raising the total number of cases to 95,472 as of September 14. An additional 508 individuals who had previously tested positive for the virus recovered, increasing the recoveries to 85,501.

Earlier Monday, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq al-Ghanim confirmed that at least five Members of Parliament have tested positive for coronavirus and all members would be tested on Saturday. Tuesday’s session was also postponed for one week as a precautionary measure against further spread of the virus, according to al-Ghanim.
The parliament’s previous sessions were held for three consecutive days in which it was “clear there was some kind of outbreak,” the speaker added.

Health authorities decided to wait till Saturday in order to confirm if any parliament staff or members have also contracted the virus.
In mid-August, the country allowed restaurants, cafes, and some business to reopen under phase four of the plan after months of closure.


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