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Kuwait: Coronavirus cases drop to all-time low

With the health situation stabilising in Kuwait, on Wednesday, the percentage of COVID-19 cases to swabs conducted has dropped to 0.5 percent, the lowest it has been since the pandemic began over a year and a half ago.

On Wednesday, Kuwait registered 66 new cases, a figure that has not been that low since the beginning of April 2020.

Also, the recovery of COVID-19 patients has gone up to 99 percent, signalling a significant improvement.

Hospitalisation rates have also dropped drastically, as there are currently 38 patients undergoing treatment in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a huge decrease compared to a month ago as the patient occupancy was at 236.

This has led to several COVID-19 wards and ICU units closing down in different hospitals around the country.

Health officials have said that the drop in cases, hospitalisation and deaths have gone down despite the country opening back up and the removal of numerous restrictions.

The improving health situation coincides with 70 percent of citizens and residents receiving both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to Dr. Khaled Al Saeed, a member of the COVID-19 committee at the Ministry of Health.


Gulf News

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