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Kuwait confirms 499 cases; 683 recoveries

Kuwait’s Ministry of Health announced that 499 people have tested positive for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), in the past 24 hours, raising the total caseload to 136,840. 

The ministry’s spokesman Dr. Abdullah Al-Sanad, in a statement to the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA), said that 3 infected patients had passed away, raising the death toll to 838.   

The number of people hospitalized with the virus reached 8,417 – 109 33 of whom are in intensive care units, said the spokesman, adding that 4,854 swab tests were conducted in the past day, raising the total to 1,011,566. 

The Health Ministry revealed earlier 683 patients have recovered in the last 24-hours, to raise the total 127,585patients recovered to-date from the virus.


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