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GCC CountriesKuwaitHealth

Kuwait Closes Shopping Malls As Virus Cases Cross 100

Kuwait has closed down all shopping malls, arcades, barbershops and salons in a further move to combat the spread of coronavirus.

Under new directives from the government on Saturday, restaurants and coffee shops are not allowed to have more than five customers at once.

Food stores will remain open, but those waiting in a queue should leave at least one metre between each other, according to the announcement by government spokesman Tareq Al-Mezrem.


Kuwait announced four positive cases of coronavirus on Saturday, taking the total amount confirmed to 104. The four additional patients included an Indian national who had been in contact with a person from Azerbaijan; two Kuwaitis who had been in the United Kingdom; and a Kuwait female who was in both Qatar and France.

Ministry of Health spokesman Dr Abdullah Al-Sanad told Kuwait’s state news agency (KUNA) that there are currently six patients in intensive care, two in a critical conditions and the rest are stable.


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