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Kuwait Clarifies Legal Basis for New Hotline Reporting Passport Forgery, Dual Citizenship Crimes

Kuwait’s Interior Ministry Interior has clarified the legal basis behind its decision on Friday to set up a dedicated hotline for reporting crimes related to forgers, dual nationals, and Kuwaiti passports.

To emphasise its adherence to the law, the ministry highlighted the importance of combatting crime and safeguarding both national identity and public interest.

In a statement released on Sunday, the Ministry of Interior reaffirmed its commitment to upholding the law in addressing criminal activities, citing Article 14 of Law 17 of 1960 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Trials. This article mandates that individuals who witness or have knowledge of a crime must promptly report it to the authorities. Failure to do so may result in penalties, as outlined by the law.

The ministry further stresses that its decisions align with constitutional principles, laws, and security considerations aimed at safeguarding the public interest.

In its previous announcement issued on Friday, the Ministry of Interior disclosed the establishment of a hotline by the General Directorate of Nationality and Travel Documents, specifically aimed at gathering critical information regarding forgers and dual Kuwaiti nationals


Gulf News

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