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Kuwait bans hiring employees on radio, TV programmes

The Kuwaiti Information Ministry has banned hiring employees on radio and TV programmes as an austerity step, a newspaper reported Wednesday.

The ban on employing people from outside the ministry will take effect as of early next year, Al Jarida quoted well-informed sources as saying.

“This step comes to rationalise “unjustified spending” on a number of programmes that have been accustomed to hiring over the years employees mainly for technical jobs, the sources added.

“The ministry has found it is necessary to take serious and effective moves to limit waste of public money at the beginning of the New Year after the end of the current round of programmes,” a source said.

“There are several departments [inside the Information Ministry] that are full of cadres who can take charges of such programmes if the need arises,” the source added.

In recent months, Kuwait has unveiled plans to replace citizens with migrant workers amid calls for minimising expatriates to redress demographic imbalance in the country.

Foreigners account for nearly 3.4 million of Kuwait’s 4.8 million population.


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