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Kuwait Approves Child Allowance for Working Women in Private Sector

The Kuwaiti government has approved a child allowance for working women in the private sector to support Kuwaiti women whose husbands are currently unable to contribute financially due to lack of regular income, pension, or public assistance.

The announcement, made by the Government Communication Centre, comes as a response to a proposal put forward by the First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Sheikh Talal Khalid Al Ahmad Al Sabah. The initiative is tailored to assist Kuwaiti women who are balancing their professional roles in the private sector with family responsibilities.

This progressive policy aligns the support for working women in the private sector with the existing benefits available to their counterparts in the public sector. It represents a substantial step towards gender equality in the workplace and acknowledges the vital role of women as both professionals and caregivers.

Under this new arrangement, working mothers in the private sector will be eligible for child support if their husbands are not in a position to fulfil their financial obligations towards their children. This includes situations where the husband is not receiving a regular salary, pension, or any form of assistance from the public treasury.


Gulf News

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