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Kuwait Announces Four-Hour Work Days for Some Employees During Ramadan

Kuwait has announced a reduction in working hours for some employees, during the Holy month of Ramadan.

The four-hour work days during Ramadan are only applicable for women. They will be granted two grace periods of 15 minutes each, allowing them to arrive 15 minutes late and leave 15 minutes early.

For men, working hours will be four hours and 15 minutes, with one grace period of 15 minutes in the morning.

The move follows the State’s Financial and Administrative Affairs Sector in the Civil Service Commission’s (CSC) review of employees’ performance evaluations for 2023, sources reported citing Al-Anba daily.

Each government agency has the freedom to choose suitable work hours and shifts, considering the approved working hours by the Civil Service Commission (CSC).

The agreement also includes a 15-minute grace period in the morning for all employees, enabling those who arrive on time to leave 15 minutes early.

During Ramadan, employees are allowed a maximum of two hours and a minimum of one hour of partial absence.

Salah Khaled Al-Saqabi, the Assistant Undersecretary for Financial and Administrative Affairs, also said that deserving employees will also receive a job performance bonus during Ramadan.

The bonus is included in the budget for the fiscal year 2023/2024. Al-Saqabi added that the performance evaluation reviews must be complete before the new budget year starts on April 1 for all ministries, public institutions, and government agencies.


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