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Kuwait Announces 3-Month Expat Visa Amnesty

Kuwait has announced a three-month amnesty for violators of residency laws in the country.

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Acting Minister of Interior Sheikh Fahad Yousef Al-Sabah announced the relaxed rules for residency violators would be in place from March 17 to June 17.

The Ministry said the amnesty was announced on the occasions of Ramadan and Sheikh Mishal Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah becoming the ruler of Kuwait.

Kuwait announces expat amnesty

In a statement, the Ministry of Interior said expats in the country who have violated residency laws will be permitted to stay in the country if they pay fines before June 17, 2024.

Residency visa fines will be charged at a rate of KD2 ($6.5) and with a maximum of KD600 ($1,952).

Anybody unable to pay the fines may freely, and without fines, exit the country through international ports.

The Ministry added that people leaving Kuwait without paying fines would be allowed to return to the country at a later date if they follow new procedures.

Under the terms of the amnesty, anybody illegally living in the country who does not either leave or pay fines to update residency violations will not be granted residency and be subject to deportation. Furthermore, they will be fined and banned from returning to Kuwait.

According to local media reports in the country as many as 120,000 expats could benefit from the decision to offer the visa amnesty in Kuwait.


Arabian Business

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