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Kuwait Allows 2-Hour Walk Under Total Curfew

Kuwaitis and foreign residents will be daily allowed two-hours of walking under a total curfew that is due to start in the country on Sunday, media reported Saturday.

On Friday, the Kuwaiti government announced imposing a complete curfew across the country beginning at 4 pm on Sunday until May 30 with the aim of stemming the spread of the new coronavirus.

People will be allowed to walk on foot for two hours inside residential areas without using cars every day from 4.30 to 6.30 pm while observing social distancing rules and wearing protective face masks, government spokesman Tareq Al Mizrem said.

The government has said that a team will be set up in each of Kuwait’s six governorates to follow up the enforcement of the curfew and handle emergencies.

As part of the curfew, work in government agencies will be limited to necessary utilities. Moreover, the distribution and delivery of printed publications will be halted, depending instead on online publishing tools.


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