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Kuwait: All Employees to Receive Full Salary for the Month of April

Citizens and expatriates will receive their full salaries in April without any loan deduction or other consumer installments. The April salaries will be paid before the holy month of Ramadan.

The Arabic daily reported that the government cannot listen to calls for withholding salary and disbursing subsistence allowance only, which is just unofficial talk.

In terms of postponing retirement installments, sources affirmed the competent authorities are working to complete the procedures for passing the law to start its implementation from the current month. This is to ensure that the government does not abandon the banks which adopted the decision to postpone collection of installments, such that it is not postponed until May.

Regarding the date of the Ministries Council’s emergency session, sources confirmed that coordination in this regard is underway. Once the Social Security Bill is sent to the council, the date of the session will be decided, probably next week.


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